An Issue of Entitlement

It’s not often online comments get my dander up. But one thing certain to bring out the Keyboard Warrior in me is an insult to a band I like. Especially if said insult is from a “fan”.

“It’s ironic how most other bands signed?! lol Do they “think” they are too good to sign & meet people?! My daughter was the first person in line for the wristbands, and then heard they weren’t signing that day was a big disappointment! Shame on bvb!”

I went to Warped Tour, the Indianapolis date, and on that day Black Veil Brides didn’t have a signing. They’ve been doing signings almost every day of the tour so I, with my friend, had a moment of disappointment. Just as quickly though, we were over it. I didn’t think any more of it during the twelve hour festival and had a great time scouring the venue for new music and hanging out with my friend.

Two days ago, Black Veil Brides posted a picture on Instagram advertising the signing they were doing for the Buffalo, NY (I believe) date. What brought me up short, of course, were the comments. 50+ comments of, “You better do a signing at_____.”

What is this?

The first band I was heavily into was Linkin Park. I saw them four or five times and never met them. I transitioned from Linkin Park almost straight into Avenged Sevenfold. Now, Avenged Sevenfold are my Ride or Die. If they announce tomorrow that they’re going to invade Canada, I will be there. I’ve seen them a dozen times; I’ve driven across the country to see them.

I’ve never met them.

I’ve never gotten a pick or a drum stick or a towel or a water bottle. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

But I’ve never left a concert disappointed that I didn’t get face time with them. I’ve never been indignant that they didn’t do a meet n’ greet or a signing or anything else. They’re musicians. You bought the ticket to see the show, not to shake their hands. Side note: I have given Synyster Gates a high five while he was on stage.

But I digress.

Black Veil Brides do a lot of signings, they go above and beyond to meet their fans and interact with them. But that doesn’t give you the right to be angry, to accuse them of being arrogant, because they didn’t do a signing at your tour stop. They don’t have to do any signings. They choose to and should their schedule conflict with doing a signing or something comes up and they can’t do it, get over it. The only thing they are obligated to give you is a show, everything else is bonus material.